Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Just When I Thought Occupy Was Over...; Newt Continues His Surge; Cain Toast?; Even Carter Had Better Numbers; Michelle Dines Like A Queen Again

Another woman came out with allegations against Herman Cain. I think she's number 9-9-9 now. ---Kimmel

  • Just when many thought Occupy Wall Street hit a wall, they decided to make more trouble. Some in Philadelphia are defying orders to vacate (construction is slated to start in the area for a $50 million renovation project). Similar scenes took place in L.A. I suspect the Occupiers were even upset the media looked away for several days over Thanksgiving Week, and they wanted us to know they're still around. Just sayin'.
  • Anyone that reads my blog regularly, knows 1) I don't like Newt (let me rephrase, I have little respect for the pr!ck) and 2) As I indicated yesterday, I'm surprised he's surging as he is. In fact, many polls show him surpassing Romney by a healthy margin, especially among conservatives. So really---what do I know?
  • And there are reports coming out that Herman might be considering getting out especially in light of the most recent claim of infedility (his campaign manager said Cain is not dropping out. That means he is). If he does split, it'll be interesting who picks up his supporters. I'll place my bet on Newt. But, again, what do I know? What does anyone know?
  • Gallup is reporting that Pres. Obama's approval ratings have fallen below Carter's at the same point in their presidency---43% for Obama vs. 51% for Carter. And those who have good memories know this: Jimbo was a friggin disaster.
  • But, as Goodwin points out in the NY Post, there are good reasons for Obama's implosion. He rarely talks to his own cabinet or the Congress; he continues to refuse to take any responsibility for anything; when he can't get his way, he appoints a czar or ignores Congress; and his idea of bi-partisanship is that everybody agrees with him. Or, as I and many in the country have been proclaiming for 3 years now, he's a failed leader.

  • Yesterday, it was reported Slo Joe Biden was in Iraq for his exit tour.  Just over a year ago, many of these Dems, including Biden, didn't want anything to do with Iraq. Now they can't wait to take their fake, phony and fraud tours of the place. Pathetic!
  • Co Co Scala, a high end restaurant in D.C., were thrilled to Tweet that the First Lady dined in their establishment last Monday evening. She had Moroccan Swordfish sliders, fennel salad, aged percorino and hazelnut coffee dressing. For dessert, she enjoyed an edible chocolate sculpture. There were no reports of whether she shared any of this fine meal with Occupiers in the D.C. area or did the restaurant just throw the leftovers out? I guess we'll never know.
  • I wonder how many Americans know how bad things are economically in Europe. It appears the entire continent is on the verge of imploding. And, because of our own economic challenges, I doubt they can rely on us to bail them out---again.
  • Sports headline in The Onion this week: "Dan Marino Proudly Watches As His Son Joey Follows In His Footsteps By Never Winning A Super Bowl."
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