To My Readers: You know who the real top 1% are in America? Just look to the right of my posts. Those people are the real 1 percenters.
- How bad are ratings for MSNBC's Morning Joe and Hardball with Chris Mathews? Greg Gutfeld's 3 AM show, Red Eye, beats both Scarborough and Mathews. Joe's show is in the morning and Mathews is in the early afternoon.
- How obnoxious is Lindsay Lohan? Besides not abiding by court ordered mandates, the judge yesterday sentenced her to 30 days in jail because the judge didn't want to subject the homeless to Lohan's behavior. On top of that, the nuns at the homeless shelter also wanted no part of Lohan. They feel Lohan would set a bad example to the homeless women. How bad a turn has her life taken when nuns---who will serve almost anyone, including lepers---don't want Lohan anywhere near them?
- Did you know most of the main stream media is even ignoring the rapes occurring in the Occupy Wall Street movement? --- Big Journalism
- As I see and read about the violence breaking out in the Occupy cities throughout the country, I don't know whether to feel sad about their ignorance, angry at their behavior or just laugh at them for being so stupid and naive.
- And then there's Oakland's mayor Jean Quan who not only took the side of the Pee Party protesters (now violent), but she encouraged city workers to take time off and join the protests. Of course, this has not gone over well with the Oakland PD who now---no doubt--- will be faced with confronting their own peers. The Oakland Police Association posted a message on their web site addressing just that concern. The Police Association also blamed the city for sending out mixed messages.
- In NYC, the New York Post's Editorial was aimed at Mayor Bloomberg: "It Is Time To Reclaim Zuccottii Park---and New York's Dignity." (I might question the "dignity" part myself. Having been raised in NYC and knowing the city well, the only time I really witnessed any dignity was on 9/11 and the days following. And that was mostly from First Responders. Other than that, not much dignity in that town---in my opinion). But the Post is correct as they point out so well in their editorial: "No one should have to put up with the incessant noise, filth and downright dangerous conditions the protesters have foisted upon lower Manhattan." Then they list the problems including public relieving, the drugs, the lewd behavior, criminals and crimes and the constant noise at all hours of the day and night.
- In addition to all of the above problems, many of the business owners are now complaining their going broke because of these knuckleheads. Many merchants have watched as their numbers have been cut in half.
- As more comes out about Herman Cain, I can't shake the feeling he does what many men do: hits on chicks. As a married fellow, I'd have to question his character and judgement if these reports are true. But, in terms of what's been reported as of today, his behavior is manifested every single day by guys in every bar and club in America. Too early to make a reasonable judgement yet on these alleged incidents.
- And as I suggested earlier this week, this leaking just may have come out of another Republican's camp. Even Herman blamed Perry's camp. And then you have Perry's camp blaming Romney's people. Folks, does not get better than this.
- Speaking of Romney, is he a dweeb? Michael Goodwin of the NY Post as well as many others are getting tired of Romney's flip-flops. Goodwin accuses Romney of reverting "to his old, tired self: hesitant, inconsistent, unclear and pandering to the latest fad." Moreover, as I pointed out several times, Romney can't seem to break 25% in the GOP polls.
- Did you know that almost 97% of civil cases never see a courtroom? The vast majority are settled out of court. Companies rather unload the "nightmare" rather than go to court. It just comes out cheaper for the company at the end. And, as Kurt Schlichter, a trial lawyer pointed out, the dirty little secret is that most of these sexual harassment lawsuits are flat-out lies.
- The number in U.S. on food stamps rose over 8% this past year to almost 46 million.---WSJ.
- After that Polish Lot Airline pilot made that beautiful, no gear landing earlier this week with 231 passengers on board, someone asked me how he was able to take it in so "gently." I told him Polish pilots must also be able to fly gliders well. I know this because outside of my hometown in Poland, there's one of the main glider training sites in the country. And when the Polish pilot was asked the same question this morning, he attributed it to his glider skills. Dobze Zrobione Pilot!!!
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