- Well folks, it's time to friggin party down. The economy added a whopping 80,000 jobs in October. Should make those 15-20 million either unemployed or underemployed a lot happier.
- The Brookings Institute reported that Youngstown, OH, is the poorest city in America today. Poverty concentration is just shy of 50%. In fact, the Great Lakes Metro Area (Youngstown, Teledo, Detroit and others) experienced the "largest increases in concentrated poverty rates..." Oh, how can I forget, the report shows that Youngstown has been run by Democrats since 1978. Detroit since 1962 and Toledo from 1989 to 2010.
- While I don't always agree with Trudy Rubin of the Philadelphia Inquirer, I give her credit because she's a journalist who actually goes to the hot spots in the Middle East. In her piece in the Inquirer today, she points out correctly that "Egypt's revolution is stuck in gridlock, trapped by a standoff between seculars and Islamists. The Egyptian military is worsening the tension..." Why have things gones so wrong? She asked several influential Egyptians. A physician said the believed the military will retain control of the country. Another said they are simply replacing a police state with a military state. Others fear the Islamists influence. Let me see, I think I'd be correct in proclaiming: I friggin told you so!
- Headline on My Way News: "Hand Of Egypt's Military Rulers Grows Heavier."
- Several interesting poll numbers out today. Gallup reported today that Romney and Obama are tied with national registered voters. Obama leads Perry by 4 points and Cain by 2 (within the margin of error). The ABC/WA Post Poll shows Cain and Romney basically in a dead heat among Republicans, 23 for Cain and 24 for Romney. Despite the sexual allegations against Herman, he's still holding his own.
- Allow me to ask a simple question. Pundits and others out there questioned why Cain waited 10 days to respond to the Politico piece that broke the sexual allegation story. How does one respond when no names are mentioned, there's no documentation and sources are not named? Those allegations wouldn't pass a DA's smell test. Right now, even after 5 or 6 days subsequent to this story running, we don't know any more than we did a week ago. And even if more were to come out, it appears to be a she said; he said story.
- On the other hand, when you are running for president, you have to be prepared for the unexpected. But you also have to be prepared for the expected.
- Several posts ago, right here, it was reported that ACORN (now using different names) was one group behind the Occupy Pee Party movement. According to Fox News, ACORN, now called New York Communities for Change in NY, fired workers and shredded documents purporting to show their support for Occupy Wall Street. These slime balls are like roaches. You stomp one out here and another appears over there.
- And on top of all the violence we've seen, the head of the Steelworkers International union, Leo Gerard, said the Occupy Pee Party Movement needs more "militancy." Folks, they are out of control and it will get worse.
Friday, November 4, 2011
Wow!!! Party Time A Whopping 80k Jobs Created; Which City is the Poorest in the U.S.?; Egypt's Military Taking More Power; Cain Still Holding On Despite Sexual Allegations; Proof ACORN Behind Occupiers?; Head of Major Union Wants Occupiers to Become More Militant
From The Onion's "American Voices." Andy Hell responds to the question: According to the UN, the population of Earth reached 7 billion on Monday. What do you think? Andy replied, "I liked it more back when it was just 4 billion. A lot more neighborly." And Dale Goodland, unemployed, also replied to the question, "That's a lot of people. Maybe now my kids will understand what I mean when I tell them they're not that special."
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