- In honor of Veteran's Day approaching us (don't forget to visit my blog: http://dedicatedtoheroes.blogspot.com/ ), a good friend of mine sent me a list of some great military bumper stickers such as: Marine Snipers: You Can Run; but You'll Just Die Tired; U.S. Air Force: Travel Agents to Allah; What do I feel when I kill a terrorist? A little recoil; A Dead Enemy is a Peaceful Enemy: Blessed be the Peacemakers.
- Regarding the alleged sex abuse scandal at Penn State, this is what we know now from reports and grand jury testimony. Prosecutors allege, former Penn State assistant football coach to Joe Paterno, Jerry Sandusky, either sexually abused or sexually molested about eight boys for over 10 years. In 2002, a Penn State graduate assistant walked into a Penn State locker room and allegedly witnessed Sandusky sexually molesting a 10 year old boy. The graduate assistant reported the incident to Paterno who then reported what he was told to Penn State authorities. But, it appears, Paterno stopped there. He never reported the incident to police. Two Penn state executives were charged with perjury and failing to report Sandusky's behavior. Paterno was not charged because he did report the incident to Penn State authorities. One question I have is why didn't the graduate assistant stop the incident when he observed it? It appears a man was raping a 10 year old boy. The other question on my mind and many others is why didn't Paterno follow up further? Joe Paterno is Penn State. He's the de facto head honcho of that university. He had an obligation to see if Penn State authorities followed through with authorities on his report to them. So sorry, and pun intended, Joe Pa dropped the ball.
- As one police officer at Zuccotti Park said, "It's done...Occupy Wall Street is no longer a protest." The NY Post referred to it as a "crime scene." (the same can be said for other cities). At Zuccotti Park, special safe-haven tents had to be set up because so many women have been sexually and physically assaulted. In addition, two men reported being raped (those are crimes, Mayor Bloomberg). In addition, other crimes include robberies and vigilante justice. One NY Post reporter who crashed there last wee wrote, "It's a leaderless bazaar..." In Vancouver, BC, the protest was shut down because of two drug overdoses, including one that killed a 20 year-old-woman. In addition, there is public urination and worse, disorderly conduct, excessive noise, open cooking and theft as well going on daily in many of these Occupy areas.
- By the way, the numbers of protesters continues to be way over reported. Only 10 protesters showed up to Union Square to "Occupy the MTA." In Pocaello, Idaho, a whopping 10 protesters showed up. In Boaz, Alabama, about nine protesters showed up. In Bakersfield, CA, they had a resounding 140 students at a rally. ---NY Post and USA Today.
- And the dumbass quote of the week goes to the Rev. Jesse Jackson. USA Today reported he told Occupy Atlanta that their efforts are an extension of the struggle HE helped lead for civil rights in America. Now---if that's the case---then they have some real problems.
- Gloria Allred, America's ambulance chasing attorney, is saying another woman is coming forward to accuse Herman of sexual harassment. I guess, as one commentator said, no other attorneys were available. I say the other attorneys don't see a case here. But let's see what rolls out.
- So how much in revenue has NY City lost because of a drop in bonuses on Wall Street? Try at least $200 million. Those bonuses make up 20% of the city's revenue. It also means over 10,000 Wall Streeters will probably lose their jobs. Should make the Occupy crowd very happy.
- Another question for the Occupy Pee Party crowd: How come you're not protesting in front of Corzine's home. He's the poster boy for what's wrong with Wall Street. Oh, that's right, he's a democrat and he raised over $500 grand for---Pres. Obama. Not only does it appear he's run MF Global to the ground, he ran NJ to the ground as its governor. In fact, Corzine, Moore, and many other Lefty celebs represent a lot of the greed the Pee Party protests. For example, Kanye West showed up at Occupy Wall Street several weeks ago with more gold dangling from his neck than Britain's Queen normally wears. He's made over $16 million last year according to Forbes. God bless him, but why is the Pee Party letting him off the hook? The fact is there are hypocrites all over the place, from these knuckleheads to celebs to our politicians, and yes, to Wall Street too.
- How much debt has been added since Pres. Obama's been in office?---about $4 trillion. And the following numbers are also bad: Since the recession began, the federal debt has risen from about 37% of GDP to almost 68%. Looking at it another way, it would be like you have 67 cents of debt for every dollar.
- Last month, 80,000 jobs were created. If that trend continues, by 2012, the unemployment rate will be just a hair under 9%. 262,000 jobs need to be created each month in order to have the unemployment rate return to Bush era numbers (between 5-6%).
Monday, November 7, 2011
Military Bumper Stickers; Joe Paterno Dropped the Ball; Occupy Wall Street Areas Are Really Crime Scenes; Ambulance Chaser Attorney Enters Cain Controversy; 262,000 Jobs Must Be Created Each Month To Return To Pre-Recession Levels
"Cute 8- Year Old Starting To Realize How Much Better She Is Than Ugly Girls."---The Onion. Eight-year old Ella Newmark told reporters, "I never really noticed it before, but my prettiness makes me better than every girl who isn't as pretty as me...Girls who aren't as cute as I am will want to be friends with me, because if I like them, they'll feel less ugly...My life's going to be great. I'm a lucky girl."
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