Friday, March 25, 2011

Quick Reads and A Tad More, Spring Break Blues

Quick Reads For Busy Folks:
  • I feel great. Last night I slept like an air traffic controller.--Leno.
  • According to the recent census, minorities now make up 36% of the U.S. population.Hispanics account for more than half the national growth since 2000. They make up 16% of the U.S. population--now at 308.7 million. Average U.S. income now: $40,584.
  • According to a Reuters Poll, only 17% of Americans see President Obama as a "strong and decisive" commander in chief.
  • More than 2/3rds of Americans saw their net worth decline during the recession {USA Today}.
  • Israel, once again, was hit by more attacks from Gaza terrorists. Rockets and mortars fell deep inside Israel yesterday. It's only a matter of time before Israel responds with serious force. Having rockets and missiles rain down on your country for over 10 years--over 10,000--I'd say is a tad too much to tolerate.
  • Pay close attention to what's going on in Yemen. Al-Qaeda has a lot of presence there.
  • What did the President say about not sending ground troops to Libya?--Well, we now have over 2000 Marines off Libya right now.
  • You know people considering Spring Break in Mexico? Well, you might want to urge them to reconsider. While some vacation spots are safe--it's all relative now--others are not including Acapulco. Already 18 tourists have been killed there. Mazatlan, Monterrey and Ciudad Juarez are danger zones. Juarez is now considered one of the most dangerous cities in the world. 53 people were killed there in a 72 hour period recently, including four police officers.
  • Cartoon in USA Today: Reporter asks the President, "Sir, how would you define 'mission creep' in the context of Libya?" The President's response, "Our mission is to get rid of the creep." Mr. President--if you presented it that way two weeks ago--the mission would not appear so confusing today.
  • Did you know the Obama Administration asked Congress to increase U.S. aid to Libya for its military BEFORE THIS OPERATION STARTED. He asked for $1.7 million according to the State Department. {Sources: Fox News}.
  • We're supporting the Libyan rebels with money too, but has anyone answered this question: who the heck are these guys?
  • The Detroit News: "Gadhafi must go, as President Obama has rightly said. But this operation seems to lack a leader who can make that call..."
  • San Jose Mercury News: "Obama has been too slow to explain U.S. involvement in this mission..."
  • Kansas City Star: "Obama must clarify the objectives of Operation Odyssey Dawn..." {who the heck thought of naming this mission, "Odyssey Dawn?" It sounds like a new diswashing liquid. How about something more appropriate, "Operation Kill the MF'er?" }
  • You know something--If President Obama had approached Congress for authorization for this operation, I'm convinced he would have received it.
  • By the way, most agree: No Fly Zones do NOT work.
  • How about sending Charlie Sheen to Libya? Just sayin'.
  • How many Americans are on Facebook?--a majority--51%.
  • Yesterday it was reported Rep. Anthony Weiner--who resembles a weiner--will be asking for a waiver for NY State from ObamaCare. He was one of the staunchest supporters of the law last year {but I don't know if he read it}. He said yesterday, "I'm just looking internally to whether the city can save money and have more control over its own destiny." Yo Weiner, that's exactly why many want to see ObamaCare repealed.
  • One of the best descriptions I've seen for all this garbage on TV, especially shows like "Jersey Shore" was made by Deborah Kenny of the NY Post, "Culture of Crud."
  • As you probably know by now when the President returned from his trip to Latin America, he found the door closed to him at the White House. Fallon commented this way, "President Obama had to use another door to get into the White House after he got home and the entrance to the Oval Office was closed. When he couldn't get in, Obama said, "Holy Cow! It's 2012 already?"

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